
Amidst the gray, a journey's cast,
Concrete walls, the memories last.
A soul unfolds, a tapestry spun,
In hues of stone, a battle won.
The rough embrace, a sturdy ground,
Where secrets whispered, yet unbound.
In cold, austere, a spirit's quest,
Emerging bold, amidst the rest.
Through cracks and crevices, they roam,
Embracing strength, to find their home.
Resilient heart, with colors blend,
In fortress walls, a truth ascend.
In Bavarian halls, firm and sure,
A metamorphosis, pure and pure.
The texture speaks, emotions rise,
A symphony of growth defies.
From concrete gray to vibrant bloom,
They shine through shadows, breaking gloom.
A masterpiece, a work of art,
In every crevice, love imparts.

In a realm of rolling hills so green,
A soul bloomed true, yet unseen.
Amidst cobblestones and ancient halls,
A journey embarked, within stone walls.
Whispers danced, secrets concealed,
A vibrant spirit, a truth revealed.
Through amber sunsets and snowy nights,
A tender heart sought its own lights.
A tale of courage, a quest to find,
The colors of the heart, unbind.
In Bavarian echoes, winds would blow,
A spirit soaring, letting go.
With strength to stand, against the tide,
In radiant hues, they'd come alive.
In each sunrise and twilight's glow,
A transformation, they'd come to know.
Through trials faced and friendships found,
A kindred spirit, hearts would surround.
For in the shadows, brave and bright,
A transcendent soul embraced the light.

Amidst concrete walls so strong,
A journey starts, where dreams belong.
In hues of gray, the texture cold,
A heart unfolds, a story told.
Through rigid paths, they seek their way,
In silent whispers, they convey.
A world encased, in stone and steel,
Yet tender souls, their truths reveal.
The concrete's touch, rough and firm,
A metamorphosis, they affirm.
In cracks and crevices, they find,
A strength profound, their souls aligned.
Amidst the gray, a bloom of grace,
A vibrant spirit finds its space.
In Bavarian halls, a tale unfolds,
Where concrete binds, yet hearts break molds.


it’s late.
i guess i should go to bed.
i need to get sleep.
i think?
why did i need sleep again?
i can’t seem to remember.
maybe that’s why i needed sleep.
so that i could grasp reality again.
it’s so beautiful in here though.
in my mind.
thoughts of you lingering around.
it doesn’t feel like i’m awake.
i can feel you.
your presence is still in the air although you were never here.
i’m in my room - i think?
it feels so unfamiliar.
you feel familiar though.
and your presence.
i see the outlines of your face.
floating in midair.
you’re like a ghost.
you’re beautiful.
you’re here.
living in my head rent-free.
especially at times like this.
i could call it early in the morning instead of late at night to make me feel better?
i have to get some sleep.
but i don’t want to lose you.
your face.
your form.
your presence in my heart.
i need to wake up tomorrow.
you’re here now.
tomorrow i’m alone again.
i don’t want to be.
i should go to sleep.
but you’re the best hallucination i ever night-dreamed.
maybe i can stay awake a little longer.
just five more minutes.

lost boy

he´s lost

the so-called lost boy

he lives in the shadows

lives alone

but he loves

with his heart


he loves me

the girl of the sun

I love

with my heart



but we live in different worlds

too far apart for love

he´s a child in his heart

he´s a child by heart

I’m in love

I am a child too

but I´ll grow up

I won’t stay young forever

or I will

if I follow him

into the shadows

to neverland

if I follow him for love

if I stay with the lost boy

if I stay with peter pan

if I stay young forever

then we’ll be lost together

lost forever

bound by heart

I wrote the text in 2021 but never published it. I love peter pan and the mistery of neverland. If you do too, I recommend the book „lost boy“ by Christina Henry, which was a inspiration for this poem.

Nichts schönes

Es gibt nichts Schönes an Tränen
Nichts Poetisches an roten Augen und verquollenen Lidern
Da ist nichts, was die salzigen Striemen auf den Wangen rechtfertigt
Nichts, was den verzogenen Mund entschuldigt

Nur dein Lachen, das versucht es manchmal
Mir den Sinn für alles Schlecht dieser Welt zu rauben
Dein Daumen, der langsam über mein Gesicht streichelt
Mich wieder in deine Arme treibt

Immer schneller sterbe ich
Vor den Augen unserer Welt
Doch sie wollen nicht sehen, dass du die bist
Die meine Realität zum Alptraum macht.


Du bist der Wolf
Mein Wolf
Mein natürlicher Feind
Mein tödlicher Gegner
Du treibst mich umher
Du liebst es
Du liebst es, mich rennen zu sehen
Vor dir her
Zu laufen
Um mein Leben
Ruhelos, verloren
Renne ich, laufe ich
Du lächelst und ich schrei
Du lächelst und ich schrei
Deinen Namen
Der der nicht genannt werden darf

Ich rufe dich
Zu deiner Rettung
Und ich seh‘ dich immer näher kommen

Oh, du Hoffnung!
Meine Hoffnung
Bist du.

Komm und fang mich
Komm und rette mich
Komm und töte mich
Komm und lebe für mich
Von mir
Von meiner Liebe
Meine Seele für dein Leben
Ich geb sie gern
Geb ich sie für dich.

Mein Leben
Mein Tod
Mein Feind
Mein Retter