he´s lost
the so-called lost boy
he lives in the shadows
lives alone
but he loves
with his heart
he loves me
the girl of the sun
I love
with my heart
but we live in different worlds
too far apart for love
he´s a child in his heart
he´s a child by heart
I’m in love
I am a child too
but I´ll grow up
I won’t stay young forever
or I will
if I follow him
into the shadows
to neverland
if I follow him for love
if I stay with the lost boy
if I stay with peter pan
if I stay young forever
then we’ll be lost together
lost forever
bound by heart
I wrote the text in 2021 but never published it. I love peter pan and the mistery of neverland. If you do too, I recommend the book „lost boy“ by Christina Henry, which was a inspiration for this poem.