The ocean - The nightly sky Fishes in the endless depth of the sea The shimmering wings of a bee Flowers on green grass And butterflies dancing in our vital gas Berries on a shadowy weed, Blood, before you bleed; Your uncle’s new tweed. The tears you shed On the fresh sheets of your bed The flame on your stove, Dreaming of my favourite cove Small diamonds dropping out of a cloud And our feelings That we enshroud.
Glaubst du?
Sag mir glaubst du an Gerechtigkeit?
Ich glaube an eine gemeine Zeit
Ein falscher Blick und du bist tot
Immerhin trägst du lieber schwarz als rosarot
Und letztendlich tanzen die Mörder auf ihren Werken
Weil sie alles, was nicht illegal ist, nicht bemerken
Sag mir, glaubst du an die wahre Liebe?
Ich glaube nur an Herzensdiebe
Die dich zu sich ziehen, um dir deine Seele zu stehlen
Um dir nach ihrem Verschwinden auch noch unendlich zu fehlen
Sie nehmen dir alles und geben dir nichts
Und schon ist sie zu Ende, die kurze Phase des Lichts
Sag mir, glaubst du an eine heile Welt?
Ich glaube an einen Ort, der uns alle zum Narren hält
Singt von Liebe und Fürsorglichkeit
Aber wartet nur auf deine nächste verwundbare Zeit
Und alle schweigen still und schließen die Augen
Denn an den Untergang wollen sie alle nicht glauben
Sag mir, glaubst du an ein Happy End?
Ich glaube an eine Zukunft, die noch niemand wirklich kennt
Mag sein, dass wir gerade mitten durch die Hölle gehen
Aber letztendlich entscheiden wir, welche Worte am Ende dieser Geschichte stehen
Es ist keine Kunst, zu weinen und sich zu beschweren
Aber umso schwerer, die Welt zu erschaffen, die wir alle wirklich begehren
Being a human being is hard. It fucking is.
It’s feelings and emotions and pain and confusion and helplessness.
We all are different but I believe that deep in our heart we all long for love and peace.
Some people try hard and minimise their lifestyle to save the planet. Some try to spread as much love as they can. Some work their ass off, for other people, without profiting from it.
But some of us have been destroyed by society. We learned to look after ourselves first. We need money, we need things. We buy and buy. Most things we own have been made by a suffering human being. We eat food that kills and tortures animals. We are egoistic. Regarding so many aspects of life.
We need to learn to be loving again. To care for our planet. To look out for our friends, our classmates, the people we go to work with, the people we meet on the street and the people we don’t know.
And some people try. They try really hard.
But it’s depressing. It’s depressing to be trying hard. It’s depressing to not eat meat, when others laugh and buy chicken wings from kfc, and are proud of that. It’s depressing to be helpful and always end up being the stupid one doing all the work and not even being appreciated or respected by the others. It’s depressing to love when people don’t accept that you love who you love. It’s depressing to include everyone in you community, when others think that they have the right to insult people because of the way they look, because of their job, because of their sexuality, because of their gender, because of their status, because of their believes. It’s depressing to see people’s lives getting ruined by hateful people, by intolerant people, by people who haven’t learned what love means. What it means to live on this small planet, as a part of a human community, that should be in balance with the rest of the life on Earth.
And the worst thing: no matter how hard you try. No matter how MUCH you want this world to be a GOOD place. A place for everyone. A peaceful place. No matter how much you want that, no matter how hard YOU try, you won’t be the one who changes the world.
Because there are people who are hateful.
And that hurts, it hurts to fucking much.
But we shouldn’t give up! If we, who love, unite, the message can be spread. The message, that love is beautiful. Love unites. And love heals the wounds that hate creates.
So stop being afraid of love, stop being addicted to power and start to live.